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3 Things Brands And Influencers Do Wrong When Collaborating

Common Mistakes Brands and Influencers Make in Collaborations
  Reading time 8 minutes

In today’s digital age, collaboration between brands and influencers is commonplace, yet it’s fraught with potential pitfalls. Missteps in these collaborations can lead to suboptimal outcomes, wasted resources, and damaged reputations. Common mistakes include a misalignment of brand and influencer values, insufficient communication and planning, neglecting contractual specifics, ineffective measurement of success, and failing to engage the audience genuinely. Understanding these pitfalls can be the difference between a successful campaign and a forgettable one. This article digs deeper into what both parties often get wrong and provides insights on how to avoid these blunders, thereby paving the way for fruitful partnerships.

Lack of Alignment on Brand Values and Image

When brands and influencers don’t share similar values or aesthetics, the content created can feel disjointed or inauthentic. It’s essential for brands to perform thorough research on potential influencer partners to ensure there’s a natural fit. Likewise, influencers need to be selective about their collaborations, choosing to work with brands that align with their personal brand. Here are some common missteps in this area:

  1. Inadequate Research: Brands sometimes fail to vet influencers, leading to partnerships that can damage their image if the influencer engages in controversial behavior.
  2. Misaligned Messaging: The influencer’s content may not accurately reflect the brand’s message, confusing the intended audience.
  3. Visual Dissonance: An aesthetic mismatch between the influencer’s style and the brand’s imagery can lead to content that lacks cohesion and fails to resonate with followers.

To mitigate these issues, both parties should invest time in understanding not just the demographics, but also the psychographics of the audience they aim to reach, ensuring that every message and visual cue amplifies the shared values and image.

Poor Communication and Inadequate Planning

A successful collaboration requires transparent communication and strategic planning. When these elements are missing, campaigns can suffer from unmet expectations and disjointed executions. Influencers may not clearly understand the brand’s goals, leading to content that misses the mark. On the flip side, brands might not provide influencers with the support and information they need to create impactful content. Here, it is crucial to address:

  • Undefined Objectives: Both parties should have a clear understanding of their goals and how the partnership can help achieve them.
  • Lack of Creative Freedom: Brands should trust their chosen influencers’ creative instincts. Overly restrictive guidelines can stifle the authentic voice that followers love.
  • Unclear Communication Channels: Establishing a solid line of communication is paramount for addressing issues and providing feedback throughout the campaign.

Proper planning and workflow delineation can minimize misunderstandings and contribute to a more seamless, effective collaboration.

Overlooking Contractual Details

The devil is often in the details, particularly when it comes to influencer agreements. Ambiguous contracts can result in legal complexities, miscommunication, and financial disputes. Both parties may have different interpretations of deliverables, exclusivity clauses, and compensation details, leading to possible contention. When drafting contracts, attention should be given to the following:

  1. Clear Deliverables: Spell out the expected posts, stories, videos, or other forms of content, including the frequency and platform specifics.
  2. Exclusivity and Rights: Define any exclusivity terms and who owns the content rights after the campaign ends.
  3. Payment Terms: Ensure payment schedules, methods, and conditions, such as bonuses for exceptional performance, are clearly communicated.

By taking the time to iron out these specifics, both brands and influencers can protect their interests and focus on the creative aspects of the collaboration.

Failure to Properly Measure Campaign Success

Without clearly defined metrics for success, brands and influencers can’t accurately gauge the effectiveness of their collaboration. Metrics should go beyond vanity metrics like likes and follower counts to include engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics that demonstrate ROI. To avoid this mistake, consider the following steps:

  • Define Key Performance Indicators: Prior to the campaign’s launch, identify which metrics will best measure its success.
  • Benchmark against Objectives: Align chosen metrics with the campaign’s objectives to ensure a proper assessment of outcomes.
  • Capture Data Efficiently: Use analytic tools and software to track and collect relevant data points throughout the campaign.

An analytical approach to performance measurement allows for lessons learned and strategic adjustments for future collaborations.

Top Errors in Brand-Influencer Partnership Efforts

Inauthentic Engagement with the Audience

Audiences today are savvy; they can quickly spot inauthentic content. When an influencer’s promotion comes off as forced or unnatural, it can erode trust within their community and tarnish the brand’s reputation. Authentic engagement involves:

  1. Real Product Usage: Influencers should genuinely use and enjoy the product or service they are promoting to keep their testimonials genuine.
  2. Transparency: Honest communication about the nature of the partnership fosters trust among the audience.
  3. Interactive Content: Encouraging audience participation through Q&A sessions, polls, or contests can make the promotion more engaging and relatable.

Authenticity is a precious currency in the influencer marketing landscape, and promoting genuine interaction is foundational to maintaining it.


Brands and influencers alike have much to gain from successful collaborations, but success hinges upon avoiding frequent mistakes. Ensuring alignment on values and image, fostering open communication, paying close attention to contractual specifics, adopting a data-driven approach to measuring campaign success, and engaging with the audience authentically are all key to creating partnerships that are productive and beneficial to both parties. By addressing these issues, brands and influencers can craft campaigns that truly resonate with their audiences and drive measurable results.


How important is influencer vetting for brands?

Vetting is crucial for brands to ensure that the influencer’s audience, values, and content align with their brand, reducing the risk of reputational damage and ensuring the content resonates with the intended audience.

What are the consequences of poor communication in influencer collaborations?

Poor communication can lead to unmet expectations, inconsistent messaging, and ultimately, a campaign that fails to meet its objectives, wasting time and resources.

Why is it necessary for influencers to genuinely use a brand’s product or service?

Genuine product usage ensures that an influencer’s promotion feels authentic, helps maintain trust with their audience, and can lead to more powerful and persuasive recommendations.

How can brands and influencers ensure a legal mishap doesn’t occur?

Establishing clear contractual details regarding deliverables, content rights, exclusivity, and payment terms, often with the help of legal professionals, can prevent misunderstandings and protect both parties.

Can you provide an example of an interactive content idea that may boost engagement?

Running a contest in which followers create their own content related to the brand or using polls to solicit feedback on a new product are interactive ways to increase engagement and audience participation.